Whose Planet is it? Creation Care in a Time of Crisis
Led by Dr John Bimson and Helen Stephens
Saturday 19th June 2021
Cost £10 per person (Bursaries available)
The Study Day will take place via Zoom from 10.00am to 3.45pm. There will be four main sessions each with a half hour presentation and time for discussion in breakout rooms before John and Helen answers questions from the groups. There will be regular breaks throughout the day.
John Bimson
John taught Old Testament at Trinity College, Bristol, from 1981 until retiring in 2015. His passion for Creation Care and the environment has inspired many generations of students to take seriously the need to sustain the earth as part of the Christian call to mission. Some of you may remember that John led a very successful Study Day on Job. He recently combined his interests in Job and Creation Care in The Book of Job and Environmental Ethics: The Message from the Whirlwind (Grove, 2020). His other special interests include bird-watching and walking in the Cambrian Mountains in Mid-Wales, where he and his wife, Maya, live.
Helen Stephens
Helen is Church Relations Manager at A Rocha UK with responsibility for the Eco Church programme. She has a background in telecoms where she held roles in Regulation and Corporate Responsibility and also worked for her Vicar before joining ARUK in late 2017. Helen has tried various initiatives to help her own church become greener and thinks that Eco Church is a great framework for doing this. She lives in Hampton with her family and continues to find ways to enjoy nature and to try to live more sustainably.'
A Rocha UK (ARUK) is a Christian charity working for the protection and restoration of the natural world and committed to mobilising Christians and churches in the UK to care for the environment. Our main programmes – Wild Christian, Eco Church, Partners in Action – alongside our urban and rural nature reserves, aim to help Christians enjoy, nurture and protect nature as an everyday expression of their faith. This is our response to the biblical mandate to care for the earth, evermore important in a time of climate and species crisis.