How our courses work

The GOLD Project incorporates courses that include four key elements

  1. Personal Study

    We provide interactive study materials for each student to go through at their own pace at home . These are designed to be accessible even to people who have previously struggled with learning but also challenging for those who are well-educated.  

  2. Regular Group Meetings

    Facilitated group learning is an essential part of our methodology where people learn from one another in a trusting environment and seek to help each other apply their learning to everyday life. Normally groups meet on a fortnightly basis to discuss what they have learned with their peers and a GOLD Leader. At the beginning of the course, the group agrees with their GOLD Leader how much study they need to complete before each meeting. 

  3. Practical Application

    The purpose of the GOLD Project is to encounter God in and through the study of the Bible and other Christian resources. This means that each course is designed to enable people to hear what God is saying and apply it to personal discipleship and to any form of ministry and mission in which they are involved. 

  4. Assessment

    Each course is designed to help people learn to apply their studies. Assessment is a helpful part of this process that enables people to measure their learning. Assessment normally takes four forms:

  • Group attendance and participation; actively learning from and contributing to the learning of others;

  • Self-assessment: regularly checking answers and reviewing what has been learnt;

  • Continuous assessment: by means of short quizzes, tests and learning activities;

  • Final assessment: by means of assignments or exams depending on the Level and the course.

Local group leaders are given clear guidelines on how to assess work.

If you would like to try out a course before committing, we carry out local and online taster sessions, where you will be able to do a sample course, and go through the key elements above in a concise manner, within a group setting. To find out more contact us.

“The Gold Project courses enable me to study the Bible in far greater depth than I could on my own…”

Amanda Furlong