Pure Gold
Course Starting: Thursday 6th May 2021
Time: 7.20pm-9pm Weekly
Leader: Nicola Aylett
Meeting: via Zoom
Cost: £30 (Bursaries available)
A new group studying Pure Gold is planned to begin on 6th May.
Pure Gold gives an excellent grounding in an overall knowledge and understanding of all the books of the Bible and how they fit together to give us a wonderful picture of God's plan for humanity (for more information about the course see Level 1 Courses).
We will be running a Taster Session on Friday 26th March which will give an introduction to the course. To book a place on this Course or the Taster Session click the Button, or e-mail admin@goldproject.org
N.B. This course will require a minimum number to run and will also have a limit on numbers. Closing date for Applications to study 28th April 2021