Discover Life: A Study of the Gospel of John
Course Starting: Thurs 4th March 2021
Time: 7.30-8.30pm Weekly
Leader: Christine Ramshaw - a CMS-trained pioneer and care home chaplain
Meeting: via Zoom
Cost: This 40-week course is usually offered at a cost of £50 per person which includes the dispatch of a hardcopy participant’s folder containing the course notes for all 40 lessons.
As an alternative, we are trialling an offer of 8 lessons at a cost of £5 per person. In which the participant will be sent an electronic copy of the course notes for each set of 8 lessons.
This is the first of two courses which deal with the writings ascribed to ‘John’ in the New Testament. In the present course, we deal with the Gospel of John. There are 5 Blocks of study, taking you through the whole of the Gospel.
If you would like to know more about the course go to our level 3 courses. Click Here