306.1 Discover Life: A Study of the Gospel of John
Level 3 Course
This is the first of two courses which deal with the writings ascribed to ‘John’ in the New Testament. In the present course, we deal with the Gospel of John. There are 5 Blocks of study, taking you through the whole of the Gospel. The course aims to:
introduce you to the Gospel and its possible historical setting;
guide you through the text of the Gospel by means of an interactive workbook;
study some significant themes of the Gospel in further depth;
consider how the Gospel can be explained and applied today.
This is a 5 Block course
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Discover Life: A Study of the Gospel of John Contents
1 The Contents of John’s Gospel: Chapters 1-12
2 The Contents of John’s Gospel: Chapters 13-21
3 The Purpose of John’s Gospel: John’s Statement of Purpose: 20:30,31
4 The Purpose of John’s Gospel: Other Evidence
5 The World of John’s Gospel (1) Judaism
6 The World of John’s Gospel (2) The Greek (Hellenistic) World
7 The Prologue to John’s Gospel 1:1-18 (1)
8 The Prologue to John’s Gospel 1:1-18 (2)
1 Jesus and John the Baptist:1:19-36
2 The Lamb of God and the Calling of the Disciples:1:29-51
3 From Cana To Cana (1):2:1 - 4:54
4 From Cana To Cana (2):2:1 - 4:54
Supplementary Material: Method of Interpretation (Hermeneutics)
5 Jesus and the Principal Feasts of the Jews: 5:1 - 10:42
6 The Bread of Life and the ‘I am’ Sayings
7 Jesus Moves Towards the Hour of Death and Glory (1): Chapter 11
8 Jesus Moves Towards the Hour of Death and Glory (2): Chapter 12
1 Jesus and his Disciples at the Evening Meal (1): John 13: 1-38
2 Jesus and his Disciples at the Evening Meal (2): John 13: 1-38
3 The First Upper Room Discourse: John 14: 1-31
4 The Holy Spirit in John 14 - 16
5 The Second Upper Room Discourse: John 15:1 - 16:33(1) John 15: The True Vine
6 The Second Upper Room Discourse: John 15:1 - 16:33 (2) John 16: The Holy Spirit and the World
7 Jesus’ Prayer for his Disciples: John 17 (1)
8 Jesus’ Prayer for his Disciples: John 17 (2)
1 The Death of Jesus: John 18 and 19: John’s passion narratives
2 The Significance of Jesus’ Death in John
3 The Resurrection in John’s Gospel (1): John 20
4 The Resurrection in John’s Gospel (2): John 20 and 21
5 Eternal Life (1)
6 Eternal Life (2)
7 Authorship and the Community
8 Meaning in John: Window, Painting or Mirror?
1 New Testament Themes and John
2 Themes of St John’s Gospel: The Good Shepherd
3 Themes of St John’s Gospel: Light and Darkness (1)
4 Themes of St John’s Gospel: Light and Darkness (2)
5 Themes of St John’s Gospel: Spirit and Flesh (1)
6 Themes of St John’s Gospel: Spirit and Flesh (2)
7 Explaining and Applying John’s Gospel Today (1)
8 Explaining and Applying John’s Gospel Today (2)
The course consists of 5 blocks, which can be studied across 10 weeks, fortnightly, but this can be adapted to local needs.
£60, or a cost of a coffee and croissant a week
If you would like to discuss this course further, or if you would like to find a local study group, please contact us