God, Environment and Us: A Study Day on Creation Care
Led by Margot and Martin Hodson
In partnership with Guildford Diocese and the GOLD Project
Online via Zoom. Cost £10 (Bursaries available)
Fully Booked
Timetable for the day
10.00 Welcome and opening prayer
10.10 What are the issues? Planetary Boundaries and Climate Change
11.10-11.30 Break
11.30-12.30 Our Christian response: how can we understand this biblically and how does this fit with mission?
12.30-1.30 Lunch
1.30-2.30 Two further big environmental issues: biodiversity loss and the COVID-19 pandemic
2.30-2.45 Break
2.45-3.30 How can we make a practical response?
3.30-3.45 Plenary
3.45-4.00 Closing reflection
Dr. Martin J Hodson is a plant scientist and environmental biologist. He is Operations Director for the John Ray Initiative (JRI), and Principal Tutor for CRES (Christian Rural and Environmental Studies), a distance learning course based at Cuddesdon. Revd Margot R Hodson is Director of Theology and Education at The John Ray Initiative and Associate Vicar of the Shill Valley and Broadshire Benefice, West Oxfordshire. She was previously Rector of Wychert Vale Benefice, Buckinghamshire. The Hodsons have published widely and have several books including A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues (BRF, 2nd edition due April 2021).
The John Ray Initiative is a Christian charity that seeks to bring together Science, Environment and the Christian faith in a way that leads to sustainability and action: https://www.jri.org.uk