to see more lives changed through god’s word

As God’s people study the Bible together we will see the church and society transformed and:

Discover the treasure

Encounter God

Be shaped by the message

  • ‘To see church and society transformed as God's people learn to meet him through Jesus Christ in the power of his Spirit by studying together and applying the message of the Bible in all aspects of their lives.’


to see the church grow

To this end the GOLD Project exists:

To provide interactive learning resources to enable systematic biblical discipleship.

To resource facilitators for active learning communities in the context of the local church.



Prayer is the centre and foundation on which all our work is established on and our personal lives. We believe that nothing of lasting value can be done unless it is bathed in prayer.

Biblical Discipleship

Through the power of God, we are committed to helping local churches in their task of making disciples of all nations, building up the body of Christ to maturity and passing on what has been learnt to others.


Embracing the model of Jesus who came not to be served but to serve, we seek to honour God by giving our best in the service of others. We hope to encourage one another to persevere and know the joy of the Lord as our strength.


We are committed to partnership based on good relationships with our partners, supporters and colleagues, showing humility and integrity in our dealings with others.

Local Ownership & Leadership

We are a grassroots organisation and are committed to serving and working with local churches to encourage local church ownership and leadership of the programmes. We believe these are the best people to understand and apply the courses to their local context.


We desire to make our courses accessible in terms of:

  • Understanding: Formal education levels should not be a barrier to someone working through our materials.

  • Availability: We want churches to be able to get hold of our courses wherever they are based.

  • Affordability: We believe that cost should not be a barrier to anyone seeking to study our courses.

“I am excited about the way the courses are appropriate to people of many backgrounds.”

Dia Moodley