303.2 Recovering God's Vision (2) Coming Soon!
Level 3 Course
A Study Of Jeremiah, Ezekiel Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi And Zephaniah
This the second of two courses which deal with some of the most important prophets of the Old Testament, and we hope that by the end you will have a good knowledge of the contents and teaching (theology) of these books. In this course we focus on Jeremiah and Ezekiel, followed by the smaller prophetical books of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. We also give you the opportunity to study Zephaniah for yourself. Building on the previous course, we ask you to think about the essential marks of a prophet.
additional resources
View a sample lesson from this course here (Coming Soon)
A Study of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and Zephaniah Contents
1 Introduction to Course and Prophets
2 Introducing Jeremiah
3 Jeremiah's Message
4 Jeremiah's Message
5 Jeremiah's Preaching
6 Jeremiah's Preaching
7 Jeremiah's Ministry
8 Jeremiah's Ministry
1 False Prophets and True Prophet
2 The downfall of Jerusalem
3 A Future and a Hope
4 Reviewing Jeremiah
5 Introducing Ezekiel
6 Introducing Ezekiel
7 Ezekiel the Book and the Message
8 Ezekiel the Book and the Message
1 Ezekiel's Preaching
2 Ezekiel's Preaching
3 Hope at Last!
4 Hope at Last!
5 The People of God Come to Life
6 The People of God Come to Life
7 Ezekiel and Jeremiah
8 Ezekiel and Jeremiah
1 Haggai 1
2 Haggai 2
3 Zechariah Introduced
4 Zechariah’s Visions
5 The Lord’s Promises
6 Zechariah’s Oracles
7 Zechariah and Apocalyptic
8 Three Figures
1 Malachi Outline
2 Malachi Message
3 Prophets of the Exile and After
4 Prophets of the Exile and After
6 DIY Prophecy in Israel: Zephaniah the Prophet
7 DIY Zephaniah and Us
8 Course Revision
The course consists of 5 blocks, which can be studied across 10 weeks, fortnightly, but this can be adapted to local needs.
£60, or a cost of a coffee and croissant a week
If you would like to discuss this course further, or if you would like to find a local study group, please contact us